
My design process is fluid. Every project is a little different, and I rely on critical thinking to determine what steps makes the most sense. Here is the gist of how I approach projects.


What is the problem we are trying to solve, and what are the limitations? Are we certain those are the real problems? I empathize with the end user and stakeholders, ask questions and listen*.

*Don’t just hear…actually listen!


When appropriate I like to wireframe and/or prototype very early on. This experimentation helps identify challenges early in the process. As a designer, we can’t get too attached to this early work. This is a learning phase.
* This is a controversial position in the UX community, and I wouldn’t advise this for every project. There are inherent risks in starting too early. Proceed with caution and an open mind!


This isn’t really a step but more of a reminder to continually make sure the project makes sense. Always ask the big questions. Are we putting our efforts in the right place? Is there another way to solve this problem, maybe even in a non-digital way? Do we have the right resources to succeed?


Let the ideas flow! Explore every potential solution from the smallest change to redefining life as we know it.

Curate & Validate

Not every idea is a winner. If you don’t have lots of duds then the explorations weren’t broad enough. Pick the best of the bunch and start getting these ideas in front of people. I generally start showing the product team first, then stakeholders, then users.
What you cut can be as important as what you include


Listen and react. Every step of the project is an opportunity to go back and shape everything from the problem statement to the final solution based on feedback and new understanding.


Now that users and stakeholders all love the solution it’s time to bring it to life. Don’t forget to stress test. Developers are your friends and they deserve a clean thoughtful deliverable.
People rarely talk about this phase. It’s so important to finish strong!

Support & QA

Follow along the dev cycle and provide guidance as needed. Help review the final builds and celebrate the hard work!


I’m always interested in meeting kind, talented people who are passionate about what they do. Notice how I put kind in front of talented? It’s kind of a big deal to me. 😉

14 + 15 =